You Can’t Meet Everybody’s Expectations
‘We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.’ Romans 12:6 NIV
Different people expect different things from us. And when a lot of people are pulling on you, those expectations can build up like a mountain and bury you. Is that how you’re feeling today, buried under everybody’s expectations? If so, read this Scripture:
‘Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the [level of] faith God has given [you]. Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body.’ (Romans 12:3-5 NLT)
We all want people to be pleased with us, but we must also realize that they frequently have unrealistic expectations and sometimes selfish ones. So why don’t we just say no?
- Fear of people. We want to be loved and we are afraid of being rejected.
- If God made you a one-talent person, He won’t give you a two-talent assignment. Don’t allow pride to make you take on more than you can handle in order to have people’s approval.
- Not knowing God’s will for you. Jesus said, ‘I carry out the will of the One who sent Me, not My own will.’ (John 5:30 NLT) You must know God’s will and be committed to it, or people will try to impose their will and agenda on you.
- Trying to be like someone else. ‘Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them.’ (Romans 12:6 NKJV) Unless God has ‘graced’ you to do it, you’ll fail or collapse under the weight of it. Realize that you are not called to meet everybody’s expectations.