The Holy Spirit
“There is so much more I want to tell you, but you can’t bear it now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future. —John 16:12-13
This is so powerful! So I don’t have to see a psychic or a fortune teller to know what the future holds? No you do not. You do no need to check your horoscope, nor pay a spiritual doctor to tell you what is coming your way. You only need the sweet Holy Spirit. Life without the Holy Spirt is like a water bottle with no water in it when you are thirsty; it is useless.
A Christian without the Holy Spirit is an empty water bottle and the Bible says “of your belly shall flow rivers of living water” – so you NEED the Holy Spirit to be real and evident in your life.
You can distinguish a real Christian from something else by the Holy Spirit. A carrier of the Holy Spirit is identifiable; they are FULL and not EMPTY of the Lord!
- Sweet Holy Spirit, you are the difference maker! I want you to come into my heart and make a difference in my life from today.
- In Micah 3:8 the bible says “but as for me, I am filled with power, with the Spirit of the Lord and with justice and might” therefore I receive the filling of power, I receive the Spirit of God (receive it, pray it and receive it by praying for the infilling of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues).
- For those who are tired and depleted and nothing interests you anymore, pray earnestly for the Holy Spirit and pray in tongues until you receive strength (Pray in tongues for 5 minutes non-stop until you sense a shift in your spirit man) Let’s Go!
- Sing some songs of worship, worship now in Spirit for God is looking for those who will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth – tell Him the truth about how you feel and pour your heart out.
- Fill me up Lord, till I overflow – I need your power, I need your Spirit to move, breathe, work, live, survive and to rule over my flesh, over my desires, over my thoughts.
- Acts 1:8 speaks of a power that comes upon you when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, so to receive the power you have to receive the Holy Spirit. Begin to thank Him now for that power!