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The Holy Spirit: Good Spirit


The Holy Spirit is the Good Spirit of God. He is called good because that’s His nature. Goodness is the absolute personification of all positive attributes.

You also gave Your good Spirit to instruct them,
and did not withhold Your manna from their mouth,
and gave them water for their thirst. Nehemiah 9:20

The Holy Spirit is the Good Spirit of God. He is called good because that’s His nature. Goodness is the absolute personification of all positive attributes. All that’s good in the world comes from God. Creating the world was a good thing to do, and when each aspect was completed, “God saw . . . that it was good” (Genesis 1:4). The first people spoiled the good world through their sin, but God constantly came back to do good things for the human race. This means that when you mess up, He can come back to do good things for you. Ask God to fill you with good things and to use you this day.

Pray: God, You are great and You are good. Forgive me of my sins, and come do good things for me today.

The Holy Spirit is the Good Spirit. God is not made good by any good thing in the world; but things are made good by Him. He will breathe goodness upon the world when people allow Him to do so. He will touch your life with goodness when you seek Him. Your good works will not save you (Ephesians 2:8-9), nor will they make you good. You become good when you live in the Holy Spirit and let His goodness make you good.

Pray: Holy Spirit, I choose goodness. I want the perfection of Your divine nature to fill my heart and make me good. I want to do the highest good today. Amen.

Go Deeper: Nehemiah 9:20-27

The Holy Spirit will do good things for you.

Prophetess Trizah

#LoveNeverFaileth 2022: THE YEAR OF RECOVERY AND RESTORATION (Jeremiah 31:10-14 Stay connected to be Transformed!