Reinvigorate your vision; open up your soul to see more things from God. He is Dew to reignite those who are about to give up the battle; let Him re-equip you for spiritual warfare.
To be fully alive is to be fully present. It mandates leaving the past in the past. That’s why Paul wrote, ‘Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me
He will guide you through the valley of the shadow of death. Don’t be afraid of shadows, for they are only dark eclipses created by threatening mountains
Lord, give me confidence to live for You on this side of death’s shadow. Then help me step confidently through the shadow with You to the other side. There I’ll be with You, and it will be eternal light.
Forgiving someone doesn’t make you weak but stronger, it keeps you away from bitterness. Choose to forgive someone today not because they deserve forgiveness but because you need peace.
Satan has different roles to play, depending on God’s counsel and purposes… We must bear in mind that he does have frightful powers, but knowing that those can only be exercised under God’s discretion and pleasure, gives us hope.