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Prophetess Trizah

Love Never Faileth

The transformer | Daughter of Major 1

Rhema, the faithful church
Daughters Of Zion International

Prophetess Trizah

Prophetess Trizah

Love Never Faileth

The transformer | Daughter of Major 1

Rhema, the faithful church
Daughters Of Zion International

Quick Overview The Story


I will say to the LORD, \” He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.\”
Psalm 91:2 NIV

Now based in Pretoria, South Africa, Prophetess Trizah, daubed The Transformer by her children is the founder of Rhema, the Faithful Church (Formally Rhema Prophetic Fellowship) whose head quarters are in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. She was ordained and released as a Prophet of the nations by Prophet Shepherd Bushiri – Major 1 on the 14th day of July,2016.


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Prophetess Trizah