Prophetess Trizah
Love Never Faileth
The transformer | Daughter of Major 1
Rhema, the faithful church
Daughters Of Zion International

Prophetess Trizah
Love Never Faileth
The transformer | Daughter of Major 1
Rhema, the faithful church
Daughters Of Zion International
Quick Overview The Story
Ordination Ceremony
11th June 2016
I will say to the LORD, \” He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.\”
–Psalm 91:2 NIV
Now based in Pretoria, South Africa, Prophetess Trizah, daubed The Transformer by her children is the founder of Rhema, the Faithful Church (Formally Rhema Prophetic Fellowship) whose head quarters are in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. She was ordained and released as a Prophet of the nations by Prophet Shepherd Bushiri – Major 1 on the 14th day of July,2016.
Love Never Faileth
Seeing the need to empower and inspire women, she then formed Daughters of Zion International, a one of a kind ladies conference that aims at teaching single and married women on how to overcome fear and be courageous in all aspects of their lives! The first conference was held in 11th June 2016.
Stay Connected to be Transformed Daily Word
When things seems too hard
You don’t put your money into the bank and then stay awake all night worrying about it, right? Well, have at least that much confidence in God!
Think before you talk
‘Death and life are in the power of the tongue.’ Proverbs 18:21. Don’t speak without thinking. And don’t say things that contradict God’s Word
Woman you are designed for influence
Jesus died so you may have life and life more abundantly. It is up to you to press into God and ask Him to unlock the secrets and mysteries in that book. It’s up to you whether your life on earth is a pamphlet or a novel. You have the power to decide to live out everything the Lord has written about you in that book.
Be careful with your words
We shouldn’t try to drop out of a commitment by saying we made a mistake. Your word is your bond, and when you break a promise, you hurt people and forfeit their trust.
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