You have been given a mouth that will positively direct your destiny. Your positive confession is crucial to your recovery in life. Your confession will lead you to your positive future.
Prayer points: Confession
“You make prayers to Him, He will hear you; and you will pay vows. You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you; so light will shine on your ways” (Job 22:27, 28).
You have been given a mouth that will positively direct your destiny. Your positive confession is crucial to your recovery in life. Your confession will lead you to your positive future. Today, confess your total freedom irrespective of prevailing symptoms.
What you cannot address is what cannot be arrested. With your mouth you can create the world you want to live in. What you believe and declare is what you become. Until you say it, it cannot be created.
- To God be the glory the Father and creator of all. I praise You with all my heart.
- I will sing of Your goodness O Lord all the days of my life.
- Daddy, my God, I am very sorry for all I am doing wrong, please help me to get things right as I strive to walk with You daily in Jesus Christ.
- Deliver me from the sin of error in Jesus’ name.
- I declare the potency of Your Word over my life in Jesus’ name.
- I refuse to miss my divine destiny in life in Jesus’ name.
- I shall not be over powered by any evil, and sinful habits in Jesus’ name.
- I refuse to be a cheap prey in the hands of my life in Jesus’ name.
- I shall not be afraid or ashamed in Jesus’ name.
- I am a light that must shine in my world in Jesus’ name.
- The glory of God shall surround me, be upon me all the days of life in Jesus’ name.
- I will not lose my life and purpose to the enemy in Jesus’ name.
- Today, I say a complete, “NO” to everything, which is not written of the Book concerning me in Jesus’ name.
- I shall delightfully spend my days and years in pleasure in Jesus’ name.
- No plan of hell shall prevail over me, and my own in Jesus’ name.
- I shall not be found wanting of any good things in Jesus’ name.
- My destiny and God’s divine plan for my life shall break forth in Jesus’ name.
- I declare my divine elevation shall not be delayed in Jesus’ name.
- I am invisible to the enemy and very dangerous to them too in Jesus’ name.
- The divine greatness in my life must manifest to the full in Jesus’ name.
- I declare long life and prosperity is my portion in Jesus’ name.
- Today, I declare that God’s abounding glory shall now be my eternal coverage in a dimension I have never known before, in Jesus’ name.
- I declare that from today, my children and I will not suffer nor hunger in Jesus’ name.
- People that matter and those who are influential shall delightfully embrace and support me in Jesus’ name.
- The treasures of far and distant lands shall be converted to me, and my children in Jesus’ name.
- I shall enjoy the blessings of the Lord in this generation and in the next in Jesus’ name.
- I declare, no more vain labor, no more wasted efforts in Jesus’ name.
- I shall shine like the stars of heaven. My life shall never grow dim in Jesus’ name.
- Today O Lord, in all measurement of my life, where I am half and empty, fill me up and make me complete in the name of Jesus’ name.
- I declare that I shall no longer bear the shame of my mockers anymore in Jesus’ name
- I declare that the sun of my life will forever shine in the dark places of life in Jesus’ name.
- I shall now henceforth dwell safely everywhere I go in Jesus’ name.
- Today, I declare every evil around me is now turned into unending blessings in Jesus’ name.
- I shall not go empty handed in life in Jesus’ name.
- My glory cannot be hidden in Jesus’ name.
- I am blessed beyond human understanding in Jesus’ name
- My life shall be a sweet song to many in Jesus’ name.
- I will fulfill my divine destiny gloriously and also make heaven in Jesus’ name.
- Thank You Lord for prayer answers in Jesus’ name.