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Day7 | Daniel Fasting


God’s glory is a point of meditation! It is the splendor of God, the essence of his presence. When he appeared in his glory, old testament folk were mesmerized by it.But there is something amazing that Jesus does on this side of the cross. John 17:22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have […]

God’s glory is a point of meditation!

It is the splendor of God, the essence of his presence. When he appeared in his glory, old testament folk were mesmerized by it.But there is something amazing that Jesus does on this side of the cross.

John 17:22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:

Jesus received the same glory from the father and he says in the above scripture that he has given this glory to us, his bride the church! We are decorated for a season such as this with the best of heaven .Because of this glory on us we must walk in victory and power. We must walk as heaven’s representatives here on earth, exhibiting the power of God to a world which has not known power.

For Solomon, he had to do things that provoked heaven for the glory to come but for us, this glory(doxa, kabod) is already upon us. It has taken home and residence inside of us.

Today, pray for levels that are consistent with this glory for yourself and everything you touch with your hands. Pray that this glory will be seen in your life and ministry as you fulfill the purpose which God called you for.

I declare, the glory of the Lord will be seen in your life. Anything that is below the glory of God has no part in you. You are for speed and progress. You are for victory over the world.


If God is for me nobody can be against me.He is the vine and I am the branch. His glory Is upon me in this season so I can do exploits to the glory of his name. I will not fail but win in all my endeavors.

Further scripture reading: 1 kings 8:10_11

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