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Day5 | Daniel Fasting


Confusion Cancelled. There are days when confusion sets in over a certain decision you have to make or a situation that springs up and suddenly overwhelms your entire being. What do you do on those days? As humans, our thinking faculties kick in to overdrive and you begin to act naturally and forget that we […]

Confusion Cancelled.

There are days when confusion sets in over a certain decision you have to make or a situation that springs up and suddenly overwhelms your entire being. What do you do on those days?

As humans, our thinking faculties kick in to overdrive and you begin to act naturally and forget that we live better as supernatural beings designed and bought by the blood of the lamb. We tend to panic, cry, lament and seek solution from friends and family. Some even isolate themselves completely withdrawn from the world which fosters depression.
As children of light, this should NOT be our story.

When confusion sets in, it helps to meditate on scripture and cast your mind back to other times when you have been in this position and begin to reflect on HOW the Lord brought you out of it. It helps to intentionally take out time from what seems like no time to waste and just cast your cares but reflecting on how good God has been to you. During that time of reflection, answers will come and things will supernaturally realign for you. Gratitude to God realigns you back to Him and His promises for you.

One short yet powerful scripture that helped me is in Psalm 71:21 – You will restore me to even greater honor and comfort me once again. When you read something that resonates with your spirit, you begin to stand on that scripture and pray fervently. God sends help and comfort to those who ask!


  1. In Psalm 71:21, David cried that you should restore him to even greater honor and comfort him once again. As you did it for David, may you do it for me also in Jesus name.
  2. Lord, I have been here before and wept unto you before, please comfort me once again.
  3. The bible says in 2 Corinthians 4:8 “we are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair.” In the name of Jesus, I will not be crushed, I will not be driven to despair, I will stand and God will bring me out of confusion.
  4. Oh my soul, why are you downcast, hear the word of the Lord, rise up – take up thy bed and walk. Every bed of affliction risen up against me, I will not lay on you anymore. I am walking in power, in might, in sound mind and in the Light of God.
  5. I prophesy clarity over my mind; in the name of Jesus clarity is mine and direction comes now as I begin to walk in Jesus name (walk around and confess this).
  6. Everything and every person that brings confusion into my life, I drive you out of my life now by the power in the name of Jesus Christ. Flee from me now for my God is not the author of confusion but of peace according to 1 Corinthians 14:33.
  7. Thank you my Father, thank you for wiping my tears, thank you for joy that cometh now, thank you for peace now, thank you for your wisdom that cancels confusion

Prophetess Trizah

#LoveNeverFaileth 2022: THE YEAR OF RECOVERY AND RESTORATION (Jeremiah 31:10-14 Stay connected to be Transformed!

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