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Day4 | Daniel Fasting


Deliver Me. In the book of John Chapter 8, a story is told of a woman who was “caught red handed in the act of adultery” and was led in by the Pharisees and was placed before everyone and Jesus. They then told Jesus that the law states that she must be stoned. The Pharaohs […]

Deliver Me.

In the book of John Chapter 8, a story is told of a woman who was “caught red handed in the act of adultery” and was led in by the Pharisees and was placed before everyone and Jesus. They then told Jesus that the law states that she must be stoned.

The Pharaohs of this woman’s life; these Pharisees were bent on stoning her but failed to drag in the other party in the “act of adultery” – why? Because they were hypocrites. They had selfish interests and motives otherwise they would have judged fairly.

Two had tango’d but she was about to be stoned. I believe that in that moment, the only prayer in that woman’s mind was “Lord Jesus DELIVER ME!” Jesus stooped low to write in the dirt (basically gathering the woman’s thoughts through the spirit of discernment) and said to the accusers, “let the sinless one, be first to cast a stone!” and he continued to write in the dirt. All of them; from oldest to youngest dropped their stones and left the woman alone.


  1. Father by your mercy! Deliver me today in Jesus Name.
  2. I may not have committed adultery and I may not have been caught but deliver me from the ones planning to stone me to death, deliver me from my mind, deliver me from evil.
  3. Father by your mercy deliver me from the Pharisees of my life playing God over my situation.
  4. Lord Jesus may you rise up and challenge my challengers – Jesus may you say a word to my Pharisees and make them drop the stones they planned to stone me with.
  5. Father if there be any deliverance needed in my life (from anything or anyone) may you lead me and deliver me by fire in Jesus name.
  6. Place your hand over your head and pray “Lord deliver me, deliver me right now in the name of Jesus Christ” I need your supernatural deliverance right this moment.
  7. Deliver me from death, depression, distraction, disaster, diseases, dumbness, divorce, derailment and set me free now and forever in Jesus mighty name!
  8. Dear Lord Jesus, please deliver me from the one tormenting my night and day, in real life and in my dreams, deliver me from the spiritual demons and the ones who are in flesh and free me from their torment in Jesus name.

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