A religious conference for married & single women alike
Quick Background
Daughter of Zion (DOZ) is a movement that was established in 11th June 2016 by Prophetess Trizah coming from a very diverse professional and cultural background. The first ever conference was held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Since then DOZ has been held in other countries such as Kenya, South Africa and Botswana with more to come.

DOZ Conference March 2019
Upcoming Event
Daughters of Zion - August 19th, 2017
South Africa
Daughters of Zion
Daughters of Zion is a one of a kind ladies conference that aims at teaching single and married women on how to overcome fear and be courageous in all aspects of their lives!
DOZ movement encourages and empowers both men and women spiritually, emotionally and physically; building confidence in them. The main aim of the movement is to empower women in all countries without discriminating race. To create an environment where women can have a voice in the society. The movement boost their self – esteem, teaches them to express themselves articulately to build their charisma so that they can claim a more active role in their society.
In most societies, women have little to no say on the issues affecting them, such as governance, allocation of resources, marriage childbearing etc. right from the family level, women should be participating in the decision-making process. The movement provides a path for leadership. It does not only instill confidence but also puts women at a level where they can empower other women.